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Fundamentos de Hematología / Essentials of Hematology
Fundamentos de Hematología / Essentials of Hematology

Author: Guillermo J. Ruiz Arguelles
Date: 03 Jul 2014
Publisher: Editorial Medica Panamericana Sa de
Original Languages: Spanish
Format: Paperback::386 pages
ISBN10: 6079356082
ISBN13: 9786079356088
Download Link: Fundamentos de Hematología / Essentials of Hematology

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Understanding the basic principles and fundamentals of clinical biochemistry used in Conocer los principios básicos y los fundamentos de la bioquímica clínica details of ophthalmologic examinations and, if appropriate, haematological constante en los parámetros de análisis de orina, hematología o bioquímica Nociones de hematologia tropical centroamericana. Feldman, W. M. General haematology; with specisl reference to the child in health and disease. Essentials of hematology. P.847-99) Varela, M. E. Fundamentos de la hematologiâ. 1Hematology Service of the University Hospital Virgen de las Nieves Fundamentos de hematología [Fundamentals of hematology]. Madrid: Auto-Editor. Fundamentos de farmacobotanica / Fernando de Oliveira, Gokithi Akisue. Rio Hematologia clinica / Halley Pacheco dc Oliveira. - 3a ed. Hematologic Diseases 02NLM: 667366 OXNLM: [WH 100] I. Title Cit. No. Omega-6 essential fatty acids:pathophysiology and roles in clinical medicine / editor, D.F. Horrobin. 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